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Посмотрите видео на английском языке ниже. Так как его герой говорит достаточно медленно, а видео прерывается текстом, смотреть его будет несложно. Кроме того, видео сопровождается русскими субтитрами, поэтому смысл будет Вам понятен.
Просмотрите это видео несколько раз. Если Вы не понимаете часть слов –ничего страшного. Ваша память будет собирать в себе все тонкости английского произношения и интонаций.
Ваше домашнее задание – выучить 10 слов из этого видео. А также подготовьте короткий письменный рассказ, о чем это видео. Если Вы пока не знаете много слов – не расстраивайтесь. Начните с простого.
Пример: Will Smith is talking in this video. Will Smith is a man. He gives his ideas about the life. He thinks that…
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9 комментариев
  1. Игорь

    Мои 10 слов:
    1) separation — разделение, граница между …
    2) craft — ремесло, любимое дело
    3) become — становиться
    4) almost — почти
    5) truly — истинно
    6) infection — заразительно, инфекция
    7) greatness — величие
    8) shortcut — короткий путь
    9) fake — подделка
    10) complex — сложно, усложнять

    • Игорь

      This is my short paraphrase about Will Smit’s story.

      Will talks about his life. He share impressions about his life.

      His life is amazing, fantastic! Will create his life with one’s own hand.

      He talk about greatness and what this is more easer then most people think.

      I like his example with wall and bricks. And this exercise is one of this bricks!

      Will Smith thinks that he is not a talent. All his medals only because hard, hard work.

      When all people sleep — Will Working. When all people eat — Will againts working.

      This is rules of Will Smith success!

      Thanks Liana!

  2. Анна

    Мои слова для изучения
    Wisdom мудрость
    Fake подделка
    Among среди
    thought мнение
    Tast проверить
    Greatness величие
    Brick кирпич
    Huge огромный
    complex сложной
    esoteric тайное

    И рассказ:

    This is video about Will Smith. He told wisdom achieves. He loves live and it is you cant fake. 
    Wonderful life is not only special among us. It is not complex or isoteric. 
    The Main thing is of success: you are that, that you believe. 
    Exist thought that, the place where we are born  and grow up the same place where we will. 
    Skills is only develop you an hour and hour. 
    Hard work allow grow up us. It is taste on experience 
    He is can to die on running track. 
    If you want stay ready you must be ready. It is greatness. 
    Lay One brisk at a time, as good as you can . It is not huge task. 

  3. Михаил

    Will Smith one of the successful actors in Hollywood.
    Will think — what he did, all his succees is resolt of his hard work.
    He works always. In the night, in the days he works hard.
    He talk about his live — it’s terrible, sick. But I’m sure — He’s lie.
    He made himself by his hands. Usual American gay rise up to top of American dream. That he says in this movie very important for me and any people who want really success and ready to work for it.

  4. Оксана

    sens — мнение
    shortcut — кратчайший путь
    godlike — божественный
    taste — испытать, пробовать
    period — очка
    naturally — от рождения
    greatness — величие
    fake — подделка
    complex — сложный

    Will Smith is one of the most famous actors in the world and he shared with us the success and wisdom in the life. He says, that everybody has greatness and talent and everybody has skills. The talent is naturally and skills are gained. Each of us has to develop skills and to build future step by step every day. So will not to hurry up and to lay one brick at a time. If you want to become successful. You need to work and work and work. There is not shortcut to success. You have to put on correctly priorities to believe in yourselves. Then you will achieve your dream. So I think, he is right and I agree with him. Thanks Will Smith.

  5. Pingback: Валим из офиса, день второй | Как выучить английский язык быстро

  6. karema

    …more 20 words/…/ I will be to listen this audio by Mr.Smith every day,becose I dont anderstend this talks, now…I dont know many words. I want to learn! I will study english language with delight

  7. Жамиля

    Здраствуйте! Для себя я узнала значение следующих слов:
    greatness- величие
    exists- присутствует, существует
    compleх- сложный
    shortcut- короткий путь
    separation- разница
    single day-каждый день
    godlike — божественное состояние

    Will Smith is a strong man and an wonderful actor. He told us about succes in his life. An actor says that talant of man does not exist without skills. I know that need to develop my skills an hour and hour. Each man must work and work becouse to get great time and succes in life. He said:» Lay One brisk at a time, as good as you can» I like his wisdom words.

  8. Vitaly

    wisdom — мудрость
    fake — подделать
    greatnes — величие
    simple — просто
    die — умереть
    believe — верю
    complex — сложно
    were — были
    success — успех
    skill — навык
    perceive — воспринимать

    Wlii Smith tells about his life. in this video Will gives his principles of life, which help him to achieve success. he tells a story about his dad, when his dad set a task to build a wall. Will Smith does not give up.

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