Must, have to, should


Добрый день!
Перед тем, как приступить к выполнению этого домашнего задания, пожалуйста, освежите свои знания о модальных глаголах - пересмотрите презентацию с последнего занятия еще раз.
1. Посмотрите ролик ниже. К структуированным объяснениям добавлен небольшой тест - Вы в режим оналйн сможете попрактиковаться и проверить свои знания. Выучите 5 новых слов из этого ролика

2. Напишите по 10 предложений (включая и утвердительную форму, и отрицательную) для следующих случаев:
- правила, запреты и ограничения
Пример: People must pay taxes
You must not talk during the lessons
- Ваши обязательства или то, что Вы не должны делать
I have to get up early if I want to achieve big results
I don't have to talk to people that I don't like
- Советы друзьям
Пример: My friends should watch TV less


4. Пришлите мне на проверку
5. Созвонитесь с напарником и проговорите эти предложения, а так же поспрашивайте друг друга об обязательствах и советах

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  1. Жамиля

    Children must respect their parents. Student must go to the library. Pupil must do his homework. I must get excellent education. She must come home at 7 o`clock. Saller must sell her goods. I must be an famous actor. I must teach a new words.
    I must not pass my english lessons. He must not be a bad doctor. She must not watch tv so late. They must not buy exspensive shorts. I must not leave my relatives.
    I have to read many books if i want be inteligent man . I have to study english if i want to achieve big results. I have to find the best an engineer if i want to build a supermarket. I have to believe him if i want have a nice family. I have to buy good rice if i want to cook a plov.
    I don`t have to trust her that i don`t like. He don`t have to drive the car that he don`t learnt a rules. She don`t to break a vase that she dont have a money.
    He should go to the circus . She should take part in our party. You should look at me. You should to write a poem.
    They should not to play on the class. I should not visit a bar after 8 p.m. Small girl should not to cross a road without her mom or dad. You should not to send this letter . I should not to eat in the evening. I should not to wait you. He should not to jump at home.

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