Времена — 2


 Второй модуль:

Времена Present, Past, Future Continuous  - закрепление, что нельзя использовать в этом времени



Запись вебинара:

И еще песни на континиус:

Present Continuous:

Past Continuous:

Future Continuous:



Письменное домашнее задание для самопроверки. Ответы будут на следующий день.


Раскройте скобки, используя глаголы в правильных временах. Обратите внимание, некоторые глаголы требуют глагола can


  1. Hey, you (to hear) the teacher? I (not/ to understand) anything, she (to talk) too quiet.
  2. I believe I (not/to take) this class next year.
  3. Look! you (to see) this rainbow? - where? I (not/to see) anything.
  4. Oh my God! you (to smell) it? It (to smell) disgusting!
  5. I feel my love (to grow) all the time! you (to feel) the same way?
  6. Are you serious? I (not/to believe) she (to drive) home without a driving license last night!
  7. It (to get) cold. you (to feel) it? - yes, I definitely (to feel) it!
  8. I (not/to understand) what you (to talk) about.
  9. you (to stop) playing your video game, please? It (to drive) me crazy!
  10. She (to take) a bus, because her car is broken now.
  11. My little sister (to live) with me now because our parents (to travel).
  12. He (to work) on Sunday because his coworker is sick.
  13. I (to shop) while my friends (to be) at the restaurant.
  14. It (to get) dark when I come home.
  15. I (to feel) so lazy the whole morning and now I (to try) to do everything I need.


Ролик для закрепления всех трех времен в этой группе:


Задание для разговорной практики по скайпу.

Ниже предложения, в которых чаще всего будет употребляться continuous. Закончите эти предложения - придумайте эти ситуации. Проговорите вслух по скайпу с другими участниками группы. Вот скайп-группа этого курса - ссылка.

При всём многообразии ситуаций, где важно показать процесс, протяженность во времени, большую часть из них можно разделить на следующие группы:

Слова подсказки

  1. Процесс в настоящем:
  • Look!
  • …now/right now
  • Can you hear/can you see/can you smell
  • I am busy now, I am ….. ing now
  1. Процесс в прошедшем
  • When I (someone) entered, came back home, the phone rang, he was …. -ing
  • I was …. ing from 3 till 7/the whole evening/the whole summer/morning
  • I was busy at that time, I was …. ing
  1. Процесс в будущем
  • I’ll be busy at that time, I’ll be … ing




Ответы на домашнее задание:


  1. Hey, can you hear the teacher? I can't  understand anything, she is talking too quiet.
  2. I believe I won't be taking this class next year.
  3. Look! Can you see this rainbow? - where? I can't see anything.
  4. Oh my God! Can you smell it? It smells disgusting!
  5. I feel my love is growing all the time! Can you feel the same way?
  6. Are you serious? I can't believe she was driving home without a driving license last night!
  7. It's getting cold. Can you feel it? - yes, I definitely can feel it!
  8. I can't understand what you are talking about.
  9. Can you stop playing your video game, please? It is driving me crazy!
  10. She is taking a bus, because her car is broken now.
  11. My little sister is living with me now because our parents are traveling.
  12. He will be working on Sunday because his coworker is sick.
  13. I was shopping while my friends were at the restaurant.
  14. It is getting dark when I come home.
  15. I was feeling so lazy the whole morning and now I'm trying to do everything I need.
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