

You are a purchasing agent for a large wholesale catering business which sells eggcakes
prepared with ostrich eggs to a large number of very exclusive restaurants.
You need at least 650 eggs every month. You would like to purchase even more as the
market is growing. The general manager of your firm has stressed the fact that he is
engaged in negotiations with new clients.
On one of your business trips to Tipwa you “happen to meet” a fellow purchasing agent.
During your conversation you discover that he is also planning to buy ostrich eggs. You
know that the only supplier of quality ostrich eggs cannot deliver more than 1000 eggs
Senaba, the supplier, has a monopoly position and has announced he will raise the price
by 100% from $6 to $12 each. The two of you, Watani and Karasi, decide to negotiate
together first, because you suspect being played off against one another. Your plane will
arrive at its destination in 8 minutes.
You cannot afford to buy lower quality eggs, so you are dependent on Mr Senaba.

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